This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year Sort ascending | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.135-3 | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code, pages 7-71 | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-17(b) | IMO Resolution MSC.293(87) | 2010 | Annex 7 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.293(87), Adoption of Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-21(z) | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-27(c)(1) | IMO Revised recommendation on testing | 2010 | Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances | International Maritime Organization | |
Energy Department | 90 FR 1224 | 10 CFR 430 | ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 116–2010 | 2010 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 430.3(c)(6) | ANSI C78.81 | 2010 | American National Standard for Electric Lamps—Double-Capped Fluorescent Lamps—Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics | American National Standards Institute | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 80 | SAE J1263_201003 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 141.40(a)(3) Table 1 (estriol) | EPA Method 539 | 2010 | Determination of Hormones in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1068 | SAE J1711_201006 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.133-5(c)(2) | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code, pages 7-71 | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 86.1(b)(11) | ASTM D2622 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-15 | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life Saving Appliances, including LSA Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.137(a)(3)(ii)(B) Note to paragraph (a) | ASTM D178 | 2010 | Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Matting | ASTM International | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.269 Appendix G | ASTM F1430/F 1430M | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Acoustic Emission Testing of Insulated and Non-Insulated Aerial Personnel Devices with Supplemental Load Handling Attachments | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-29 | IMO Resolution MSC.295(87) | 2010 | Annex 9 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.295(87), Adoption of Amendments to the Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 600 | SAE J1594_201007 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98.7(m)(3) | EPA-430-R-10-003 | 2010 | Protocol for Measuring Destruction or Removal Efficiency (DRE) of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Abatement Equipment in Electronics Manufacturing, Version 1 | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Federal Communications Commission | 89 FR 7224 | 47 CFR 0 | ATSC A/53 Part 5: 2010 | 2010 | Establishing Rules for Full Power Television and Class A Television Stations | Advanced Television Systems Committee |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.010-3(e)(9) | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code 2010 DHS/USCG | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 60 | SAE J1711_201006 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-31(d) | IMO Revised recommendation on testing | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code, Revised recommendation on testing of live-saving appliances | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-21(h) | IMO Resolution MSC.293(87) | 2010 | Annex 7 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.293(87), Adoption of Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-17 | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life Saving Appliances, including LSA Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 80.46(e) | ASTM D3606 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by Gas Chromatography | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63, Subpart DDDDD, Table 6, 4(e) | ASTM D95 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and Bituminous Materials by Distillation | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 80.580(e)(1)(ii) | ASTM D4294 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1045 | SAE J1594_201007 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1030 | SAE J1594_201007 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.115-13(d)(1) | IMO Revised recommendation on testing | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code, Revised recommendation on testing of live-saving appliances | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 75, Appendix F, Section | ASTM D5865 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-15(e) | IMO Resolution MSC.293(87) | 2010 | Annex 7 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.293(87), Adoption of Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-21(x) | IMO Resolution MSC.293(87) | 2010 | Annex 7 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.293(87), Adoption of Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IH (5) | Colilert-18® Method | 2010 | Coliform/E. coli detection kit | IDEXX Laboratories | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-21(m) | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98, Subpart I, Appendix A, (a)(8) | EPA-430-R-10-003 | 2010 | Protocol for Measuring Destruction or Removal Efficiency (DRE) of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Abatement Equipment in Electronics Manufacturing, Version 1 | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 162.060-26(b) | EPA-600-R-10-146 | 2010 | Generic Protocol for the Verification of Ballast Water Treatment Technologies, version 5.1 | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63, Subpart DDDDD, Table 6, 1(d) | ASTM D5865 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke | ASTM International | |
Energy Department | 88 FR 28780 | 10 CFR 429 | ANSI/ASHRAE 23.1-2010 | 2010 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Walk-In Coolers and Walk-In Freezers | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers |
Homeland Security Department | 88 FR 16310 | 46 CFR 113 | IEEE 1580-2010 | 2010 | Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(4) | NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84 | 2010 | Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section III, Revision 35 | U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 80.46(h)(1)(xiii) | ASTM D6550 | 2010 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Olefin Content of Gasolines by Supercritical-Fluid Chromatography | ASTM International | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L Appendix C (II)(A)(4) | NFPA 1201 | 2010 | Organization for Fire Services | National Fire Protection Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1066 | SAE J1711_201006 | 2010 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 571.226 S7.1.1 | NHTSA Parts List | 2010 | Ejection Mitigation Headform Drawing Package | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.135-7(a)(1) | IMO LSA Code | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code, pages 7-71 | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 80.8(e)(1)(ii) | ASTM D4177 | 2010 | Standard Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-21 | IMO Resolution MSC.293(87) | 2010 | Annex 7 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.293(87), Adoption of Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.170-13(d)(2) | IMO Revised recommendation on testing | 2010 | Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code, Revised recommendation on testing of live-saving appliances, pages 79-254 | International Maritime Organization | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 433.2 | ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 | 2010 | Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers | |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | 10 CFR 50.55a(d)(2)(iii) | NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84 | 2010 | Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section III, Revision 35 | U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission |