This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year Sort ascending | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63, Subpart DDDDD, Table 6, 2(e) | ASTM D4006 | 2011 | Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oil by Distillation, including Annex A1 and Appendix X1 | ASTM International | |
Agriculture Department | 87 FR 26961 | 7 CFR 1728 | RUS Bulletin 1728H-701 | 2011 | Standards and Specifications for Timber Products Acceptable for Use by Rural Utilities Service Electric and Telecommunications Borrowers; Correction | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFr 572.173(b) | Drawing No. 420-2000 | 2011 | Neck Assembly | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.177(b)(9) | Part No. 420-0000 | 2011 | Engineering drawings and specifications | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Research and Special Programs Administration | 45 CFR 162.1203(a)(2) | CAQH Publication | 2011 | Phase I CORE 153: Eligibility and Benefits Connectivity Rule, version 1.1.0 | Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare's (CAQH) Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE) | |
Federal Communications Commission | 47 CFR 80.1101(b) | 47 CFR 80.1063 | 2011 | Special requirements for INMARSAT-E EPIRB stations | Federal Communications Commission | |
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration | 49 CFR 393.69(c) | NFPA 58 | 2011 | Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases | National Fire Protection Association | |
Energy Department | 87 FR 50396 | 10 CFR 430 | ANSI/AMCA Standard 208-18 | 2011 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Ceiling Fans | Air Movement and Control Association |
Environmental Protection Agency | 85 FR 78412 | 40 CFR 63 | ASTM D4052-11 | 2011 | Fuels Regulatory Streamlining | ASTM International |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.174(b) | Part No. 420-0000 | 2011 | Engineering drawings and specifications | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Federal Highway Administration | 23 CFR 625.4(d)(1)(i) | AASHTO GDHS-7 | 2011 | A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 435.13 Note 11(b) | EPA-821-R-11-004 | 2011 | Analytic Methods for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 55.14(e)(22)(i)(A) | 40 CFR part 52, subpart VV | 2011 | Outer Continental Shelf Air Regulations Consistency Update for Virginia | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.170(b)(2) | NHTSA Publication | 2011 | Parts List and Drawings, Part 572 Subpart T, Hybrid III 10-Year-Old Child Test Dummy (HIII-10C) | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.176(b) | Drawing No. 420-5500 | 2011 | Foot molded assembly | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 435.15 Note 11 | EPA-821-R-11-004 | 2011 | Analytic Methods for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 80.46(h)(1)(v) | ASTM D3246 | 2011 | Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry | ASTM International | |
Health and Human Services Department | 89 FR 51238 | 42 CFR 423 | NCPDP Formulary and Benefit Standard Implementation Guide, Version 3.0 | 2011 | Medicare Program; Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program; Health Information Technology Standards and Implementation Specifications | National Council for Prescription Drug Programs |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 435.11(x) | EPA-821-R-11-004 | 2011 | Analytic Methods for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.171(a)(3) | NHTSA Publication | 2011 | Procedures for Assembly, Disassembly and Inspection (PADI) of the Hybrid III 10-Year-Old Child Test Dummy (HIII-10C) | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.171 Table A (i) | Drawing No. 420-1000 | 2011 | Head Assembly | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.6(e)(66) | ANSI Z535.1 | 2011 | Safety Colors | American National Standards Institute | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 435.41(q) | EPA-821-R-11-004 | 2011 | Analytic Methods for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Agriculture Department | 87 FR 26961 | 7 CFR 1728 | Bulletin 1728H-702 | 2011 | Standards and Specifications for Timber Products Acceptable for Use by Rural Utilities Service Electric and Telecommunications Borrowers; Correction | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Transportation Department | 89 FR 15636 | 49 CFR 171 | CGA S-1.1:2011 | 2011 | Hazardous Materials: Adoption of Miscellaneous Petitions and Updating Regulatory Requirements | Compressed Gas Association |
Food and Drug Administration | 21 CFR 178.3870(f)(6)(iv) | FDA Publication | 2011 | Determination of Phenolic Modification of Rosin Derivatives | Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.177(b)(9) | Drawing No. 420-5121 | 2011 | Structural replacement | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Health and Human Services Department | 45 CFR 162.1602(d)(1)(i) | NACHA Publication | 2011 | NACHA Operating Rules & Guidelines, A Complete Guide to the Rules Governing the ACH Network | National Automated Clearing House Association | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.145(d)(6) | ANSI Z535.1 | 2011 | Specification of the Safety Colors for CIE Illuminate C and the CIE 1931, 2 Standard Observer | American National Standards Institute | |
Coast Guard | 40 CFR 1065.701 Table 1 | ASTM D6615 | 2011 | Standard Specification for Jet B Wide-Cut Aviation Turbine Fuel | ASTM International | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.174(b)(1) | Drawing No. SA-572-T4 | 2011 | Chest deflection transducer | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63.14(g)(48) | ASTM D4057 | 2011 | Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, including Annex A1 | ASTM International | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1926.200(c)(1) | ANSI Z535.2 | 2011 | Environmental and Facility Safety Signs | American National Standards Institute | |
Coast Guard | 45 CFR 162.920(c)(1)(vi) | CAQH Publication | 2011 | Phase I CORE 157: Eligibility and Benefits System Availability Rule, version 1.1.0 | Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare's (CAQH) Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE) | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98.274(b)(1) | TAPPI Method T624 | 2011 | Gross Heating Value of Black Liquor | Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 56.01-2(e)(72) | ASTM F1020 | 2011 | Standard Specification for Line-Blind Valves for Marine Applications | ASTM International | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.170(b)(2)(i) | Drawing No. 420-0000 | 2011 | Complete Assembly HIII 10-year-old | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 435.15 Note 11(b) | EPA-821-R-11-004 | 2011 | Analytic Methods for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 85 FR 78412 | 40 CFR 60 | ASTM D4052-11 | 2011 | Fuels Regulatory Streamlining | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 88 FR 16310 | 46 CFR 111 | MIL-DTL-24640C SUP1 | 2011 | Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations | Naval Sea Systems Command, U.S. Department of Defense |
Homeland Security Department | 88 FR 16310 | 46 CFR 111 | MIL–DTL–24643C (as updated by Supplement 1A) | 2011 | Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations | U.S. Department of Defense |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.171 Table A (ii) | Drawing No. 420-2000 | 2011 | Neck Assembly | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.177(b)(4) | Part No. 420-0000 | 2011 | Engineering drawings and specifications | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 435.11(o) | EPA-821-R-11-004 | 2011 | Analytic Methods for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Homeland Security Department | 88 FR 16310 | 46 CFR 112 | IEEE 45.2-2011 | 2011 | Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Coast Guard | 33 CFR 183.607(a)(3) | UL 1128 | 2011 | Marine Blowers | Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. | |
Energy Department | 87 FR 55090 | 10 CFR 429 | IEC 62040-3 Ed. 2.0 | 2011 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Battery Chargers | International Electrotechnical Commission |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 1065.720 Table 1 | ASTM D2784 | 2011 | Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Oxy-Hydrogen Burner or Lamp) | ASTM International | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.173(b) | Part No. 420-0000 | 2011 | Engineering drawings and specifications | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Food and Drug Administration | 21 CFR 180.22(b) | FDA Publication | 2011 | Determination of [beta]-Dodecyl-mercaptopropionitrile in NR-16R Aqueous Extracts | Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |