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Standards Incorporated by Reference (SIBR) Database

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This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

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Displaying 4051 - 4100 of 26663
Incorporated by (Agency) FR Citation CFR Citation Document Number Document Edition / Year Sort ascending Title of Standard Standard Publishing Organization
Environmental Protection Agency 89 FR 29440 40 CFR 1037 SAE J1252_201207 2012 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles-Phase 3 SAE International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 56.01-2(e)(42) ASTM A576 2012 Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 44468 40 CFR 1090 API MPMS 14.3.1-2012 2012 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program: Standards for 2023-2025 and Other Changes American Petroleum Institute
Rural Utilities Service 7 CFR 1755.910(b)(4) OSHA Standards 2012 OSHA Standards Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Housing and Urban Development Department 89 FR 75704 24 CFR 3280 ASTM A53/A53M–12 2012 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ASTM International
Rural Utilities Service 7 CFR 1755.505(a) 7 CFR 1755.860 2012 Filled buried wires Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Energy Department 80 FR 42663 10 CFR 431.76 (b) ANSI Z21.47  2012 Standard for Gas-fired Central Furnaces American National Standards Institute
Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau 83 FR 49259 30 CFR 250.872 (a) API RP 500 2012 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division 1 and Division 2 American Petroleum Institute
Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR 25.110(b)(3)(i) ITU Radio Regulations, Volume 2: Appendices, Appendix 30B 2012 Provisions and associated Plan for the fixed-satellite service in the frequency bands 4 500-4 800 MHz, 6 725-7 025 MHz, 10.70-10.95 GHz, 11.2-11.45 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHz International Telecommunication Union--Telecommunication
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.002-1(b) DWG No. F-49-6-5 (Sheet 2) 2012 Cutting Pattern and General Arrangement (Child) U.S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.002-1(a)(4) 46 CFR 164.003 2012 Kapok, Processed U.S. Coast Guard
Federal Highway Administration 23 CFR 655.601(d)(2)(i) FHWA Publication 2012 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), including Revisions No. 1 and No. 2 Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.055-1(b) Drawing No. 160.055-1B, Sheet 1 2012 Life Preservers, Unicellular Foam, Child, Construction and Arrangement, Cloth Covered, Model 63, Adult U.S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.077-11(a)(5)(ii) UL 1517 2012 Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau 81 FR 26022 30 CFR 250.734 (a) API Standard 53 2012 Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells American Petroleum Institute
Labor Department 41 CFR 50-204.2(a)(3) 49 CFR 178 2012 Specifications for Packagings U.S. Department of Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 1045 GEM version 2.0.1 2012 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Health and Human Services Department 45 CFR 162.920(c)(4)(v) CAQH Publication 2012 Phase III CORE 370 EFT & ERA Reassociation (CCD+/835) Rule, version 3.0.0 Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare's (CAQH) Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE)
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.005-1(b) Drawing No. 160.005-1 (Sheet 4) 2012 Cutting Pattern and General Arrangement (Child) U.S. Coast Guard
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 1030 GEM version 2.0.1 2012 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.077-5(b) UL 1517 2012 Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.077-19(c)(4) UL 1517 2012 Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 86.1(b)(2) ASTM D86 2012 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.047-4(b) Drawing No. 160.047-1, Sheet 3, Rev. 2 2012 Buoyant Vest, Kapok or Fibrous Glass, Adult and Child—Cutting Pattern and General Arrangement, Models CKS-1 and CFS-1 U.S. Coast Guard
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 1065.1010(b)(27) ASTM D3237 2012 Standard Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy ASTM International
National Institute of Standards and Technology 15 CFR 200.109(h) NIST SP 250 2012 Calibration and Related Measurement Services of the National Institute of Standards and Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 85 SAE J1252_201207 2012 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 111.105-7 IEC 60079 2012 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Series International Electrotechnical Commission
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.055-5(c)(3) Drawing No. 160.055-1B, Sheet 3 2012 Life Preservers, Unicellular Foam, Child, Construction and Arrangement, Cloth Covered, Model 67, Child U.S. Coast Guard
Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau 30 CFR 250.198(n)(3) COS Safety Publication COS-2-04 2012 Requirements for Accreditation of Audit Service Providers Performing SEMS Audits and Certification of Deepwater Operations, First Edition Center for Offshore Safety
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.077-19(c)(16) UL 1517 2012 Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 86.1867-12(b)(2) SAE J-2727 2012 Mobile Air Conditioning System Refrigerant Emission Charts for R-134a and R-1234yf Society of Automotive Engineers
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 44468 40 CFR 80 API MPMS 14.3.2-2016 2012 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program: Standards for 2023-2025 and Other Changes American Petroleum Institute
Rural Utilities Service 7 CFR 1755.506(ll) 7 CFR 1755.510 2012 Construction and assembly unit drawings Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 272.1851(c)(1)(i) OKHWMP 2012 EPA-Approved Oklahoma Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program State of Oklahoma
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 87 FR 65128 10 CFR 50 ASME NQA-1-2012 2012 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2019-2020 Code Editions American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 1051.501(d)(1)(ii) 40 CFR 1039.801 2012 Definitions U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Communications Commission 80 FR 33439 47 CFR 2.910(d)(3) ISO/IEC 17065:2012(E) 2012 Conformity assessment—Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services International Organization for Standardization
Rural Utilities Service 7 CFR 1755.505(c) 7 CFR 1755.200 2012 Splicing copper and fiber optic cables Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.002-1(b) DWG No. F-49-6-5 (Sheet 1) 2012 Cutting Pattern and General Arrangement (Child) U.S. Coast Guard
Labor Department 41 CFR 50-204.65 49 CFR 176 2012 Carriage by Vessel U.S. Department of Transportation
Minerals Management Service 30 CFR 250.1904(a) COS Safety Publication COS-2-01 2012 Qualification and Competence Requirements for Audit Teams and Auditors Performing Third-party SEMS Audits of Deepwater Operations, First Edition Center for Offshore Safety
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.060-5(b) Drawing No. 160.060-1, Sheet 2 2012 Buoyant Vest, Unicellular Polyethylene Foam, Adult and Child, Cutting Pattern and General Arrangement, Model CYM U.S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.077-29(c)(7) UL 1517 2012 Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Environmental Protection Agency 89 FR 29440 40 CFR 1039 ASTM D6348-12 2012 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles-Phase 3 ASTM International
Transportation Department 85 FR 27810 49 CFR 172 ISO/TR 11364:2012(E) 2012 Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards International Organization for Standardization
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 1051.501(e) 40 CFR 1065.405 2012 Test engine preparation and maintenance U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Homeland Security Department 88 FR 16310 46 CFR 113 NEMA ICS 2.4-2003 (R2012) 2012 Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR 25.110(b)(3)(ii) ITU Radio Regulations, Volume 2: Appendices, Appendix 30B 2012 Provisions and associated Plan for the fixed-satellite service in the frequency bands 4 500-4 800 MHz, 6 725-7 025 MHz, 10.70-10.95 GHz, 11.2-11.45 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHz International Telecommunication Union--Telecommunication
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 2 SAE J1025_201208 2012 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International

DISCLAIMER: Data and information released from the Standards Incorporated by Reference databases at NIST are provided on an "AS IS" basis, without representation or warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Data and/or information in this database may contain errors or may be incomplete. Please email if you identified missing information or incorrect information. This database is provided by NIST as a public service. Inclusion of records in this database does not represent endorsement or recommendation of standards listed by NIST.

NOTE: This database does not included records related to the Incorporation by Reference for the following: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration – Airworthiness Directives, State Air Plan Approvals, and Standard Instrumentation Approach Procedures; and the Environmental Protection Agency - State Approval of Air Quality Plans.