This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year Sort ascending | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Housing and Urban Development Department | 24 CFR 201.21(c)(3) | HUD Handbook 4930.3 | 1989 | Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 54.01-35(a) | ASME B&PV Code | 1989 | Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (with 1999 and 2000 addenda) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (54) | USGS I-1750-85 | 1989 | Solids, residue on evaporation at 180 degrees C, dissolved, gravimetric | U.S. Geological Survey | |
Labor Department | 86 FR 54611 | 29 CFR 1915 | ANSI Z87.1-1989 (R-1998) | 1989 | Incorporation by Reference; Notice of Corrections | American National Standards Institute |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 89.327 | SAE J-1937 | 1989 | Recommended Practice for Engine Testing with Low Temperature Charge Air Cooler Systems in a Dynamometer Test Cell | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 147.1050(a)(3) | MDUIC regulations | 1989 | Code of Maryland Regulations, Title 26, Subtitle 08, Chapter 02, promulgated and effective as of March 1, 1989 | State of Maryland | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 52.742(d) | 35 I.A.C. 215, Subpart Q | 1989 | Administrative Code, Excluding sections 215.432 and 215.436 | State of Illinois | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 182.440(d) | ABYC H-33 | 1989 | Diesel Fuel Systems | American Boat and Yacht Council | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX, 4.0 | EPA-625-3-89-016 | 1989 | Interim Procedures for Estimating Risks Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 199.175(b)(15) | IMO Resolution A.657(16) | 1989 | Instructions for Action in Survival Craft | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 761.60(g)(1)(ii) | ASTM D923 | 1989 | Standard Practices for Sampling Electrical Insulating Liquids | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 119.320(a)(3) | UL 174 | 1989 | Household Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters | Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.269 Appendix G | ANSI/IEEE 935 | 1989 | Guide on Terminology for Tools and Equipment to Be Used in Live Line Working | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 82, Subpart B, Appendix A, SAE J-1990, Section 0, Footnote 1 | SAE J-1990 | 1989 | Extraction and Recycle Equipment for Mobile Automotive Air-Conditioning Systems | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 59.208(g)(2) | SCAQMD Method 25.1 | 1989 | Determination of Total Gaseous Non-Methane Organic Emissions as Carbon | South Coast Air Quality Management District | |
Research and Special Programs Administration | 49 CFR 192.485(c) | AGA Project PR-3-805 | 1989 | A Modified Criterion for Evaluating the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipe | Pipeline Research Council International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 52.741(w)(1)(i) | 35 I.A.C. 215, Subpart S | 1989 | Administrative Code | State of Illinois | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 52.741(a)(2)(iii)(A) | 35 I.A.C. 211 | 1989 | Definitions and General Provisions | State of Illinois | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 147.2250(a)(1) | UTUIC regulations | 1989 | Utah Water Pollution Control Act, Utah Code Annotated, Title 26, Chapter 11, Sections 2, 8, and 10 (1989) | State of Utah | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-21(v)(3) | IMO Resolution A.657(16) | 1989 | Instructions for Action in Survival Craft | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 183.130(a)(2)(iii) | ABYC A-16 | 1989 | Electric Navigation Lights | American Boat and Yacht Council | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 430.2, Definitions, ER incandescent reflector lamp (2) | ANSI C78.21 | 1989 | Electric Lamps--PAR and R Shapes | American National Standards Institute | |
Food and Drug Administration | 21 CFR 177.1810(c)(2)(ii) | FDA Publication | 1989 | Direct Reading Viscoelastometric Method for Determining Class Transition Points of Styrene Block Polymers | Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 434.402.1.2.4(b)(1) | ASHRAE 90.1 | 1989 | Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings with addenda (RS-1) | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IH (1) | USGS B-0050-85 | 1989 | Membrane Filtration Quantitative: Fecal Coliform | U.S. Geological Survey | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 80.125(d)(2) | IIA Publication | 1989 | Codification of Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing | Institute of Internal Auditors | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 57.02-2(a) | ASME B&PV Code | 1989 | Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 182.460(m) | ABYC H-2 | 1989 | Ventilation of Boats Using Gasoline | American Boat and Yacht Council | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63.14(g)(10) | ASTM D1331 | 1989 | Standard Test Method for Surface and Interfacial Tension of Solutions of Surface of Active Agents | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(b)(33)(xix) | USGS Publication | 1989 | U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 5, Laboratory Analysis, Chapter A4, Methods for Collection and Analysis of Aquatic Biological and Microbiological Samples | U.S. Geological Survey | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 185.604(h) | IMO Resolution A.658(16) | 1989 | Use and Fitting of Retro-Reflective Materials on Life-Saving Appliances | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 119.320(a)(3) | UL 1453 | 1988 | Electric Booster and Commercial Storage Tank Water Heaters | Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.266(f)(3)(ii)(B) | SAE J-1040 | 1988 | Performance Criteria for Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry and Mining Machines | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.390(k)(5)(i) | ICEA S-84-608 | 1988 | Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 440 Appendix A | AAMA 101 | 1988 | Aluminum Frame Windows | American Architectural Manufacturers Association | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.890(k)(5)(i) | ICEA S-84-608 | 1988 | Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | 49 CFR 178.356-1(e) | DOE CAPE-1662 | 1988 | Civilian Application Program Engineering Drawings, Revision 1 and Supplement 1 | U.S. Department of Energy | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 264.1063(d)(1) | ASTM D2267 | 1988 | Standard Test Method for Aromatics in Light Naphthas and Aviation Gasoline by Gas Chromatography | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Alachlor) | EPA Method 525.1 | 1988 | Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water by Liquid-Solid Extraction and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.390(l)(4) | ICEA S-84-608 | 1988 | Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.890(n)(1) | ICEA S-84-608 | 1988 | Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 61.18(a)(5) | ASTM D2267 | 1988 | Standard Test Method for Aromatics in Light Naphthas and Aviation Gasoline by Gas Chromatography | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63.14(g)(41) | ASTM D3695 | 1988 | Standard Test Method for Volatile Alcohols in Water by Direct Aqueous-Injection Gas Chromatography | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (58) | EPA Method 525.1 | 1988 | Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water by Liquid-Solid Extraction and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.390(h)(2) | ICEA S-84-608 | 1988 | Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 440 Appendix A | ANSI Z21.47 | 1988 | Gas-Fired Central Furnaces | American National Standards Institute | |
Coast Guard | 10 CFR 440 Appendix A | NWWDA I.S. 3 | 1988 | Industry Standard for Wood Sliding Patio Doors | National Wood Window and Door Association | |
Mine Safety and Health Administration | 30 CFR 75.301 Non-combustible material | ASTM E119 | 1988 | Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials | ASTM International | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.870(a)(6) | ASTM D2287 | 1988 | Standard Specification for Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer and Copolymer Molding and Extrusion Compounds | ASTM International | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.890(h)(2) | ICEA S-84-608 | 1988 | Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association |