This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year Sort ascending | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.156-7(b)(6) | Federal Standard 595C | 2008 | Colors Used in Government Procurement | General Services Administration | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 1043.60 | IMO Publication | 2008 | International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, MARPOL Annex VI | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(b)(15)(xix) | ASTM D1253 | 2008 | Standard Test Method for Residual Chlorine in Water | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (20) | ASTM D3558A | 2008 | Cobalt by Flame Atomic Absorption, Direct aspiration | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98.254(i)(3) | ASTM D5373 | 2008 | Standard Methods for Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Laboratory Samples of Coal and Coke | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1060 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Federal Railroad Administration | 49 CFR 232.603(a)(8) | AAR S-4270 | 2008 | ECP Brake System Configuration Management | Association of American Railroads | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.133-7(b)(3) | ASTM A313/A 313M | 2008 | Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Spring Wire | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.076-25(d) | UL 1191 | 2008 | Standard for Components for Personal Flotation Devices | Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 60 | SAE J2343_200807 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1048 | NIST SP 811 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1037 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Drug Enforcement Administration | 21 CFR 1300.03 FIPS 180-3 | FIPS Publication 180-3 | 2008 | Secure Hash Standard (SHS) | National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 89 FR 42932 | 40 CFR 60 | EPA–453/R–08–002 | 2008 | New Source Performance Standards for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and Group I & II Polymers and Resins Industry | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Homeland Security Department | 88 FR 16310 | 46 CFR 110 | API RP 14F | 2008 | Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations | American Petroleum Institute |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 571.105 S6.9.2(a) | ASTM E1337 | 2008 | Standard Test Method for Determining Longitudinal Peak Braking Coefficient of Paved Surfaces Using Standard Reference Test Tire | ASTM International | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.269 Appendix G | ASTM F496 | 2008 | Standard Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves | ASTM International | |
Transportation Department | 89 FR 15636 | 49 CFR 107 | CGA TB-25 | 2008 | Hazardous Materials: Adoption of Miscellaneous Petitions and Updating Regulatory Requirements | Compressed Gas Association |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 60 | NIST SP 811 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1048 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 444.12(b)(1) Table (6) | ASTM D3559C | 2008 | Standard Test Methods for Lead in Water, Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 1042.910(a)(1)(ii) | IMO Publication | 2008 | NOX Technical Code 2008 (NOX Technical Code) | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1051 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Coast Guard | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (32) | ASTM D3559C | 2008 | Standard Test Methods for Lead in Water, Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. A, 5.1 | AHAM HRF-1 | 2008 | Household Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator-Freezers, and Household Freezers | Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1036 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1039 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1066 | SAE J2343_200807 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 60.17(f)(3) | ASME MFC-4M | 2008 | Measurement of Gas Flow by Turbine Meters | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 1043.20 EIAPP certificate | IMO Publication | 2008 | International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, MARPOL Annex VI | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 60.41b Distillate oil | ASTM D975 | 2008 | Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils | ASTM International | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1926.6(x)(1) | ISO 11660-1:2008(E) | 2008 | Cranes—Access, guards and restraints—Part 1: General, 2d ed. | International Organization for Standardization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 60 Subpart DDDD, Table 9, Mercury | ASTM D6784 | 2008 | Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method) | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (23) | ASTM D7284 | 2008 | Standard Test Method for Total Cyanide in Water by Micro Distillation followed by Flow Injection Analysis with Gas Diffusion Separation and Amperometric Detection | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98.253(m)(1) | EPA AP 42, Section 5.2 | 2008 | AP 42, Section 5.2, Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1926.1423(c)(4)(i) | ISO 11660-1:2008(E) | 2008 | Cranes—Access, guards and restraints—Part 1: General, 2d ed. | International Organization for Standardization | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. A, 2.6(c) | AHAM HRF-1 | 2008 | Household Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator-Freezers, and Household Freezers | Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers | |
Federal Railroad Administration | 49 CFR 232.603(a) | AAR S-4200 | 2008 | Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) Cable-Based Brake Systems—Performance Requirements | Association of American Railroads | |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 177 | ISO 4706:2008(E) | 2008 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | International Organization for Standardization |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.133-5(b)(3) | ASTM A313/A 313M | 2008 | Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Spring Wire | ASTM International | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. A, 1.1(i) | AHAM HRF-1 | 2008 | Household Refrigerators, Combination Refrigerator-Freezers, and Household Freezers | Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 1051 | SAE J2343_200807 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 799.5089(h)(1)(x) | ASTM E1782 | 2008 | Standard Test Method for Determining Vapor Pressure by Thermal Analysis | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98.34(d) | ASTM D6866 | 2008 | Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis | ASTM International | |
Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau | 30 CFR 250.1902(c) | API RP 75 | 2008 | Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities | American Petroleum Institute | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 1043.60 Table 1 | IMO Publication | 2008 | International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, MARPOL Annex VI | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 86.1(g)(14) | SAE J-1939-71 | 2008 | Vehicle Application Layer (Through February 2007 | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 88 FR 4296 | 40 CFR 86 | SAE J2263_200812 | 2008 | Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards | SAE International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 98.256(o)(2)(i) | EPA AP 42, Section 5.2 | 2008 | AP 42, Section 5.2, Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau | 30 CFR 250.803(b)(2)(iii)(D) | API 17J | 2008 | Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe | American Petroleum Institute |