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Standards Incorporated by Reference (SIBR) Database

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This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

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Displaying 851 - 900 of 26578
Incorporated by (Agency) Sort descending FR Citation CFR Citation Document Number Document Edition / Year Title of Standard Standard Publishing Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 54.01-35(b)(4) ASME B&PV Code 1998 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (with 1999 and 2000 addenda) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Coast Guard 46 CFR 56.60-1(b) Table 56.60-1(b) ASME B16.4 1998 Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Coast Guard 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (32) ASTM D3559A 2008 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Water, Atomic Absorption, Direct ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 57.02-2(c) ASME B&PV Code 1989 Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Coast Guard 33 CFR 140.7(b) ANSI Z41 1983 Protective Footwear American National Standards Institute
Coast Guard 33 CFR 164.72(a)(1)(ii)(B) RTCM Paper 71-95/SC112-STD 1995 Recommended Standards for Marine Radar Equipment Installed on Ships of Less Than 300 Tons Gross Tonnage Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
Coast Guard 40 CFR 1065.701 Table 1 ASTM D2880 2013 Standard Specification for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 111.60-3(b)(3) MIL-C-24643A 1994 Military Specification Cables and Cords, Electric, Low Smoke, for Shipboard Use, General Specification for (1996) Amendment 2 U.S. Department of Defense
Coast Guard 33 CFR 154.106(c)(1) ANSI B16.5 1988 Steel Pipe Flanges and Pipe Fittings American National Standards Institute
Coast Guard 46 CFR 161.002-1(b) FM Class No. 3230-3250 1976 Smoke Actuated Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signaling Factory Mutual Engineering and Research
Coast Guard 46 CFR 120.320(e) NFPA 70 1996 National Electrical Code (NEC) Article 430 National Fire Protection Association
Coast Guard 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IF (Acetonitrile) ASTM D3371 1995 Standard Test Method for Nitriles in Aqueous Solution by Gas-Liquid Chromatography ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 184.240(n) NFPA 302 1994 Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft National Fire Protection Association
Coast Guard 46 CFR 111.75-20(a) IEC 92-306 1980 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 306: Equipment-Luminaries and accessories, Third Edition International Electrotechnical Commission
Coast Guard 46 CFR 58.30-10(e) ANSI B93.5 1997 Recommended practice for the use of Fire Resistant Fluids for Fluid Power Systems American National Standards Institute
Coast Guard 46 CFR 125.180(b) UL 1574 1995 Track Lighting Systems Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.010-3(a)(9) IMO LSA Code 2010 Life-Saving Appliances, including LSA Code International Maritime Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 161.002-1(b) ASTM B117 1997 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 110.10-1(o)(5) UL 484 2002 Standard for Room Air Conditioners Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.171-3(b) Federal Standard 191A 1971 Textile Test Methods, Method 5304.1, Abrasion Reistance of Cloth, Oscillatory Cylinder (Wyzenbek) Method Federal Specifications Standards and Test Methods
Coast Guard 46 CFR 154.7 IMO Certificate (c) IMO Resolution A.329(IX) 1975 Recommendations Concerning Ships Not Covered by the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Resolution A.328(IX)) International Maritime Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.060-1(b) Drawing No. 160.060-1, Sheet 3 2012 Buoyant Vest, Unicellular Polyethylene Foam, Adult and Child, Cutting Pattern and General Arrangement, Model CYS U.S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard 40 CFR 444.12(b)(1) Table (1) APHA Method 3114 B 1992 Arsenic and Selenium Digestion American Public Health Association
Coast Guard 46 CFR 181.450(a)(1) UL 217 1993 Single and Multiple Station Smoke Detectors Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Coast Guard 46 CFR 56.25-20(b) ASTM A307 1997 Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.077-21(c)(4)(ii) UL 1517 2012 Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Coast Guard 46 CFR 199.05(b) ASTM D93 1997 Standard Test Method for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 56.01-2(e)(67) ASTM B858M 1995 Standard Test Method for Determination of Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Copper Alloys Using an Ammonia Vapor Test ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.133-7(b)(3) ASTM A653/A 653M 2008 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 111.105-11(a) IEC 60079-11 1999 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 11: Intrinsic Safety “i”, Fourth Edition International Electrotechnical Commission
Coast Guard 46 CFR 58.05-1(a) ABS Publication 2003 Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, Part 4 Vessel Systems and Machinery American Bureau of Shipping
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.135-11(c)(2)(i)(A) MIL-R-21607E(SH) 1990 Military Specification, Resins, Polyester, Low Pressure Laminating, Fire-Retardant U.S. Department of Defense
Coast Guard 46 CFR 129.120(a)(1) ABYC E-1 1972 Bonding of Direct Current Systems American Boat and Yacht Council
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.151-21(d) IMO Resolution MSC.293(87) 2010 Annex 7 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.293(87), Adoption of Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code International Maritime Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.047-3(f)(2) MIL-W-530 1989 Webbing, Textile, Cotton, General Purpose, Natural and In Colors U.S. Department of Defense
Coast Guard 46 CFR 110.15-1(a) IEEE 100 2000 Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Coast Guard 46 CFR 111.107-1(c)(1) IEEE 1202 1991 Flame Testing of Cables for Use in Cable Tray in Industrial and Commercial Occupancies Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.151-15(m) IMO LSA Code 2010 Life Saving Appliances, including LSA Code International Maritime Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.156-11(c)(2)(i)(B) ASTM D790 2007 Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 182.130 ABYC H-32 1987 Ventilation of Boats Using Diesel Fuel American Boat and Yacht Council
Coast Guard 46 CFR 54.20-1(a) ASME B&PV Code 1998 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (with 1999 and 2000 addenda) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Coast Guard 46 CFR 161.002-4(b)(1) IEC 533 1977 Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electrical and Electronic Installations in Ships International Electrotechnical Commission
Coast Guard 46 CFR 164.023-3(b)(3) Federal Standard 191A 1978 Method 5804, Weathering Resistance of Cloth; Accelerated Weathering Method Federal Specifications Standards and Test Methods
Coast Guard 21 CFR 156.3(c) AOAC Official Methods 1980 Official Methods of Analysis AOAC International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 175.600(b) Table IMO Resolution A.658(16) 1989 Use and Fitting of Retro-Reflective Materials on Life-Saving Appliances International Maritime Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.151-57(b)(11) IMO Resolution MSC.295(87) 2010 Annex 9 to MSC 87/26, Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its Eighty-Seventh Session, Resolution MSC.295(87), Adoption of Amendments to the Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances International Maritime Organization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 162.017-1(c)(1) ISO 15364 2000 Ships and Marine Technology—Pressure/Vacuum Valves for Cargo Tanks, First Edition International Organization for Standardization
Coast Guard 46 CFR 161.002-1(b) UL 521 1994 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Coast Guard 46 CFR 56.60-1(b) Table 56.60-1(b) ASTM F1120 1993 Standard Specification for Circular Metallic Bellows Type Expansion Joints for Piping Applications ASTM International
Coast Guard 46 CFR 15.1103(g) IMO SOLAS 1992 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea International Maritime Organization

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NOTE: This database does not included records related to the Incorporation by Reference for the following: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration – Airworthiness Directives, State Air Plan Approvals, and Standard Instrumentation Approach Procedures; and the Environmental Protection Agency - State Approval of Air Quality Plans.