This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation Sort descending | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 199 | ISO 18813:2006 | 2006 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 160 | ASTM F1003-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 199 | ISO 25862:2009 | 2009 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 169 | ASTM F1003-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 199 | ISO 17339:2018 | 2018 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 184 | ASTM F1003-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 121 | ASTM F1014-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 160 | ASTM F1014-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 199 | ASTM F1003-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 121 | ISO 18813:2006 | 2006 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 160 | ISO 18813:2006 | 2006 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 121 | ISO 25862:2009 | 2006 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 160 | ISO 25862:2009 | 2009 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 121 | ISO 17339:2018 | 2016 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 160 | ISO 17339:2018 | 2018 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 169 | ASTM F1014-02(2007) | 2007 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | ASTM International |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 169 | ISO 18813:2006 | 2017 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 169 | ISO 25862:2009 | 2009 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Homeland Security Department | 87 FR 68270 | 46 CFR 169 | ISO 17339:2018 | 2018 | Survival Craft Equipment-Update to Type Approval Requirements | International Organization for Standardization |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 71242 | 16 CFR 1460 | ASTM F2517-22e1 | 2022 | Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act Regulation | ASTM International |
Postal Service | 87 FR 71520 | 39 CFR 20 | USPS IMM | 2022 | International Competitive Services Product and Price Changes | United States Postal Service |
Environmental Protection Agency | 87 FR 72312 | 40 CFR 9 | ICAO 2017/AN 16-2/AMEND/10 | 2017 | Control of Air Pollution From Aircraft Engines: Emission Standards and Test Procedures | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Environmental Protection Agency | 87 FR 72312 | 40 CFR 87 | ICAO 2017: Annex 16, Volume II | 2017 | Control of Air Pollution From Aircraft Engines: Emission Standards and Test Procedures | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Environmental Protection Agency | 87 FR 72312 | 40 CFR 1030 | ICAO Annex 16, Volume II | 2017 | Control of Air Pollution From Aircraft Engines: Emission Standards and Test Procedures | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Environmental Protection Agency | 87 FR 72312 | 40 CFR 1031 | ICAO, 2017: Annex 16, Volume II | 2017 | Control of Air Pollution From Aircraft Engines: Emission Standards and Test Procedures | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 72598 | 16 CFR 1112 | ASTM F2057-19 | 2019 | Safety Standard for Clothing Storage Units | ASTM International |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 72598 | 16 CFR 1261 | ASTM F2057-19 | 2019 | Safety Standard for Clothing Storage Units | ASTM International |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 72873 | 16 CFR 1120 | ANSI/ WCMA A100.1-2018 | 2018 | Substantial Product Hazard List: Window Covering Cords | American National Standards Institute |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 73144 | 16 CFR 1112 | ANSI/ WCMA A100.1-2018 | 2018 | Safety Standard for Operating Cords on Custom Window Coverings | American National Standards Institute |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 73144 | 16 CFR 1260 | ANSI/ WCMA A100.1-2018 | 2018 | Safety Standard for Operating Cords on Custom Window Coverings | American National Standards Institute |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 73241 | 16 CFR 1216 | ASTM F977- 22e1 | 2022 | Safety Standard for Infant Walkers | ASTM International |
Postal Service | 87 FR 73459 | 39 CFR 111 | USPS Pub. 52, 2022 | 2022 | New Mailing Standards for the Separation of Hazardous Materials | United States Postal Service |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 429 | ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.2-1987 (RA 92) | 1987 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | American National Standards Institute |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 429 | AHRI 390 (I-P/2021) | 2021 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 431 | AHRI 390 I-P (2021) | 2021 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 429 | ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 | 2009 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 429 | ANSI/ASHRAE 41.2-1987 (RA 92) | 1987 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 431 | ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 (R2019) | 2009 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | American National Standards Institute |
Energy Department | 87 FR 75144 | 10 CFR 431 | ANSI/ASHRAE 41.2-1987 (RA 92) | 1987 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Single Package Vertical Air Conditioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Pumps | American National Standards Institute |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 177 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 175 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 107 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 172 | ISO 4706:2008(E) | 2008 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | International Organization for Standardization |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 110 | ISO 4706:2008(E) | 2008 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | International Organization for Standardization |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 180 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 171 | ISO 4706:2008(E) | 2008 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | International Organization for Standardization |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 174 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 172 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 176 | ISO 4706:2008(E) | 2008 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | International Organization for Standardization |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 79752 | 49 CFR 173 | ATAA 300 | 1996 | Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | Air Transport Association of America |