This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation | CFR Citation | Document Number Sort ascending | Document Edition / Year | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Energy Department | 86 FR 16446 | 10 CFR 429 | IEC 62301-2011 | 2011 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Room Air Conditioners | International Electrotechnical Commission |
Transportation Department | 89 FR 12634 | 14 CFR 21 | ICAO Doc 7488/3 | 1993 | Airplane Fuel Efficiency Certification | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Transportation Department | 87 FR 57379 | 14 CFR 71 | FAA Order JO 7400.11G : jet route J-52 | 2022 | Amendment and Revocation of Air Traffic Service (ATS) Routes; Eastern United States | Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation |
Transportation Department | 89 FR 15636 | 49 CFR 171 | CGA C-6:2013 | 2013 | Hazardous Materials: Adoption of Miscellaneous Petitions and Updating Regulatory Requirements | Compressed Gas Association |
Federal Communications Commission | 88 FR 67108 | 47 CFR 15 | CEA-542-B | 2003 | Updating References to Standards Related to the Commission's Equipment Authorization Program | Consumer Technology Association |
Agriculture Department | 87 FR 26961 | 7 CFR 1728 | Bulletin 1728H-702 | 2011 | Standards and Specifications for Timber Products Acceptable for Use by Rural Utilities Service Electric and Telecommunications Borrowers; Correction | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Agriculture Department | 84 FR 28186 | 7 CFR 1728 | AWPA M2-16 | 2016 | Standards and Specifications for Timber Products Acceptable for Use by Rural Utilities Service Electric and Telecommunications Borrowers | American Wood Protection Association |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 86 FR 33022 | 16 CFR 1130 | ASTM F3118-17a | 2017 | Safety Standard for Infant Sleep Products | ASTM International |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 87 FR 8640 | 16 CFR 1130 | ASTM F2933-21 | 2021 | Safety Standard for Crib Mattresses | ASTM International |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | 86 FR 4961 | 16 CFR 1223 | ASTM F2088-20 | 2020 | Revisions to Safety Standard for Infant Swings | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 87 FR 31185 | 40 CFR 63 | ASTM D7237-18 | 2018 | National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: General Provisions; Technical Correction | ASTM International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 85 FR 63394 | 40 CFR 60 | ASTM D7039-15a | 2020 | Test Methods and Performance Specifications for Air Emission Sources | ASTM International |
Environmental Protection Agency | 87 FR 39600 | 40 CFR 80 | ASTM D6751-20a | 2020 | Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program: RFS Annual Rules | ASTM International |
Energy Department | 86 FR 56608 | 10 CFR 430 | ANSI/AHAM HLD-1-2010 | 2010 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Clothes Dryers | Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers |
Federal Communications Commission | 86 FR 23614 | 47 CFR 68 | ANSI C63.19-2011 | 2011 | Standards for Hearing Aid-Compatible Handsets | American National Standards Institute |
Energy Department | 87 FR 50396 | 10 CFR 430 | AMCA 230-15 Technical Errata 2021-05-05 | 2021 | Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Ceiling Fans | Air Movement and Control Association |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-486-18 | 2018 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-469-01 | 2006 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4260 | 2008 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4250 | 2014 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4230 | 2014 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 221 | AAR S-4220 | 2002 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4210 | 2014 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 221 | AAR S-4210 | 2014 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4200 | 2014 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4045-13 | 2013 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 80544 | 49 CFR 218 | AAR S-4027-18 | 2018 | Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers | Association of American Railroads |
Transportation Department | 85 FR 44994 | 49 CFR 172 | AAR M-1002 | 2014 | Hazardous Materials: Liquefied Natural Gas by Rail | Association of American Railroads |