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Standards Incorporated by Reference (SIBR) Database

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This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

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Displaying 901 - 950 of 28126
Incorporated by (Agency) FR Citation Sort descending CFR Citation Document Number Document Edition / Year Title of Standard Standard Publishing Organization
Energy Department 10 CFR 440 Appendix A UL 727 1991 Oil-Fired Central Furnaces Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Housing and Urban Development Department 24 CFR 200, Appendix A NWWDA I.S. 3 1988 Industry Standard for Wood Sliding Patio Doors National Wood Window and Door Association
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 136.3(b)(7)(iii) EPA-821-B-98-016 1998 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Pollutants in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Wastewaters U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 444.12(b)(1) ASTM Annual Book of Standards 1999 ASTM Annual Book of Standards ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 86.1(d)(1)(ii) LEV III Evaporative Emission Standards 2012 Title 13, Division 3, Chapter 1, Article 2 Approval of Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Devices (New Vehicles) §1976 Standards and Test Procedures for Motor Vehicle Fuel Evaporative Emissions, effective as of December 31, 2012 California Air Resources Board
Rural Utilities Service 7 CFR 1755.390(i)(7) ICEA S-84-608 1988 Standard for Telecommunications Cable, Filed, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements Insulated Cable Engineers Association
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 80.8(e)(1)(iii) ASTM D5842 2014 Standard Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fuels for Volatility Measurement ASTM International
Energy Department 10 CFR 430.32(f)(1)(ii) AHAM DW-1 1992 Household Electric Dishwashers Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 49 CFR 171.7(a)(3) ASTM E114 1995 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Examination by the Contact Method ASTM International
National Archives and Records Administration 36 CFR 1238.5(c)(3) AIIM MS14 1996 Specifications for 16mm and 35mm Roll Microfilm Association for Information and Image Management
Coast Guard 46 CFR 113.30-25(i) IEC 60529 2001 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code) International Electrotechnical Commission
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 147.2000(b)(3) RIUIC regulations 2014 Rhode Island General Laws, Section 42-17.1 et seq., entitled, Department of Environmental Management State of Rhode Island
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 63, Subpart UUUUU, Appendix A, Section ASTM D6784 2008 Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method) ASTM International
Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR 184.1025(b) Food Chemicals Codex 1981 Caprylic Acid National Academy Press
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 60.17(g)(85) ASTM D2234 1976 Standard Practice for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal ASTM International
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.94(a)(5)(iv) 29 CFR 1910.134 2014 Respiratory Protection Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Coast Guard 46 CFR 164.008-3(c)(4) ASTM E119 1998 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (20) APHA Method 3120 B 1999 Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma American Public Health Association
Mine Safety and Health Administration 30 CFR 56.14131(c) SAE J-386 1997 Operator Restraint Systems for Off-Road Work Machines Society of Automotive Engineers
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.060-3(c) Federal Standard 191 1978 Textile Test Method 5630 Federal Specifications Standards and Test Methods
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR 572.171 Table A (iv) Drawing No. 420-4000 2011 Lower Torso Assembly National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (69) ASTM D5812 2002 Standard Test Method for Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Water by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 52, Subpart UU VTSIP 1979 State Implementation Plan with Regulatory and Nonregulatory Revisions State of Vermont
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S Appendix A NFPA 70 2002 National Electrical Code National Fire Protection Association
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.261(c)(8)(iv) ANSI B30.2 1968 Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, and Hoists American National Standards Institute
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IC (79) EPA Method 625 1982 Base/Neutrals and Acids by GC/MS U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 141.74(a)(1) Table (Turbidity) GLI Method 2 1992 Turbidity Great Lakes Instruments, Inc.
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114, 5(4) APHA Method 602 2015 Tentative Method of the Analysis for Gross Beta Radioactivity Content of the Atmosphere American Public Health Association
Research and Special Programs Administration 21 CFR 173.160(d) Chemical Food Index 1981 Citric acid, pp. 86-87 National Academy Press
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 60, Appendix A-4, Method 7, Section 7.1.1 ASTM D1193 1977 Standard Specification for Reagent Water ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 61.67(h)(1) ASTM D4420 1994 Standard Test Method for Determination of Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by Gas Chromatography ASTM International
Coast Guard 33 CFR 164.72(a)(1)(ii)(B) RTCM Paper 71-95/SC112-STD 1995 Recommended Standards for Marine Radar Equipment Installed on Ships of Less Than 300 Tons Gross Tonnage Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
Coast Guard 46 CFR 164.012-1(a)(1) ASTM E84 1998 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 52.741(s)(1)(i)(A) 35 I.A.C. 215, Subpart Y 1989 Administrative Code State of Illinois
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.94(c)(3)(iii)(A) 29CFR 1910.107(b)(5) 2014 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials; Spray booths U.S. Department of Labor
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (20) Ortho-phosphate APHA Method 4500-P E 1995 Phosphorus, ascorbic acid method American Public Health Association
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 60.17(g)(173) ASTM D5504 2008 Standard Test Method for Determination of Sulfur Compounds in Natural Gas Fuels by Gas Chromatography and Chemiluminescence ASTM International
Housing and Urban Development Department 24 CFR 200.925c(a)(1)(i) BOCA National Plumbing Code 1993 BOCA National Plumbing Code Building Officials and Code Administrators International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 60.17(g)(91) ASTM D2369 1990 Standard Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings ASTM International
Housing and Urban Development Department 24 CFR 3280.703 UL 1995 1995 Heating and Cooling Equipment, Second Edition, with 1999 Revisions Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Public Health Service 42 CFR 37.42(i)(3) ACR Publication 2008 ACR Practice Guideline for Diagnostic Reference Levels in Medical X-Ray Imaging, Section V—Diagnostic Reference Levels For Imaging With Ionizing Radiation and Section VII—Radiation Safety in Imaging American College of Radiology
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR 571.5(d)(23) ASTM D4956 1990 Standard Specification for Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control ASTM International
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR 572.114 Drawing No. SA-SIDH3-M001 1997 Complete Assembly SIDH3 Reprographic Technologies
Energy Department 10 CFR 430.3(f)(2) ASME A112.19.6 1995 Hydraulic Requirements for Water Closets and Urinals American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1926.6(l)(3) ASME B30.7 2001 Base-Mounted Drum Hoists American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR 178.3780(b)(1) Fisher Johns Method 18 1957 Semimiero Qualitative Organic Analysis, The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds 2nd Edition Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 CFR 1616.2(b) NIST PS 54 1972 Body Measurements for Sizing Girls Apparel (formerly CS 153-48) National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IE APHA Standard Methods, 20th Edition 1998 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 20th Edition American Public Health Association
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 763 Appendix A (III)(L)(2) EPA-600-4-85-049 1985 Measuring Airborne Asbestos Following an Abatement Action U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 98.124(m)(1) ASME MFC-3M 2004 Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Orifice, Nozzle, and Venturi American Society of Mechanical Engineers

DISCLAIMER: Data and information released from the Standards Incorporated by Reference databases at NIST are provided on an "AS IS" basis, without representation or warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Data and/or information in this database may contain errors or may be incomplete. Please email if you identified missing information or incorrect information. This database is provided by NIST as a public service. Inclusion of records in this database does not represent endorsement or recommendation of standards listed by NIST.

NOTE: This database does not included records related to the Incorporation by Reference for the following: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration – Airworthiness Directives, State Air Plan Approvals, and Standard Instrumentation Approach Procedures; and the Environmental Protection Agency - State Approval of Air Quality Plans.