Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (29) |
APHA Method 3125 B |
2009 |
Inductively Coupled Plasma/mass Spectrometric Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (3) |
APHA Method 3500-Al B |
2001 |
Aluminum by Eriochrome Cyanine R Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (40) |
APHA Method 4500-NO3 F |
2000 |
Nitrate Nitrogen by Selective Electrode |
American Public Health Association |
Coast Guard |
40 CFR 444.12(b)(1) Table (5) |
APHA Method 4500-H+B |
2005 |
pH Value by Electrometric Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (46) |
APHA Method 4500-O G |
2001 |
Oxygen, dissolved, mg/L, Membrane Electrode Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (63) |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1999 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 143.4(b) Table (Iron) |
APHA Method 3113 B |
1995 |
Metals by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(b)(10)(xl) |
APHA Method 4500-F-- |
1997 |
Fluoride |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 143.4(b) Table (Zinc) |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1995 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114, 3.1.4 |
APHA Method 601 |
2015 |
Tentative Method of Analysis for Gross Alpha Radioactivity Content of the Atmosphere |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IC (81) |
APHA Method 6410 B |
2000 |
Base/Neutral and Acid Extractable Compounds by GC/MS |
American Public Health Association |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (15) |
APHA Method 5220 D |
1997 |
Chemical Oxygen Demand by Closed Reflux and Colorimetric Determination |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (12) Cyanide |
APHA Method 4500-CN G |
1995 |
Cyanide Amenable to Chlorination after Distillation |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (15) Magnesium |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1999 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (23) Silica |
APHA Method 4500-SiO2 E |
1997 |
Silica, Automated Method for Molybdate-Reactive Silica |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 444.12(b)(1) Table (3) |
APHA Method 3113 B |
1999 |
Metals by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (44) |
APHA Method 6630 B |
2000 |
Organochlorine Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/ECD |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (12) |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1999 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.74(a)(1) Table (Heterotrophic bacteria) |
APHA Method 9215 B |
2000 |
Pour Plate Method |
American Public Health Association |
Coast Guard |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (18) |
APHA Method 3111 C |
1999 |
Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption, Extraction and Direct Aspiration |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.131(d)(4)(i) |
APHA Method 5310 B |
2000 |
Organic carbon TOC, High-Temperature Combustion Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (65) |
APHA Method 4500-SO4(2-) F |
1997 |
Sulfate, Automated Methylthymol Blue Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.852(a)(5) Table |
APHA Method 9221 D |
1998 |
Presence-Absence (P-A) Coliform Test |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (60) |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1999 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 143.4(b) Table (Aluminum) |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1998 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 143.4(b) Table (Odor) |
APHA Method 2150 B |
1995 |
Odor, Threshold Odor Test |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(b)(10)(lvi) |
APHA Method 5530 |
2005 |
Phenols |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IC (49) |
APHA Method 6410 B |
2000 |
Base/Neutral and Acid Extractable Compounds by GC/MS |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (1) Alkalinity |
APHA Method 2320 B |
1998 |
Alkalinity by Titration Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IC (105) |
APHA Method 6200 C |
1997 |
Volatile Aromatic Organic Compounds by GC/PID Purge & Trap |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (15) |
APHA Method 6630 C |
2000 |
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/ECD |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 300.915(f)(11) |
APHA Method 6630 C |
2000 |
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/ECD |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (28) |
APHA Method 6630 C |
2000 |
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/ECD |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(b)(10)(iv) |
APHA Standard Methods, 18th Edition |
1992 |
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 18th Edition |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.131(a)(2) |
APHA Method 4500-Cl F |
2000 |
Chlorine, DPD Ferrous Titrimetric |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (14) |
APHA Method 5210 B |
2001 |
Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-Day |
American Public Health Association |
Coast Guard |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IE (5) |
APHA Method 7500-Ra C |
2001 |
Radium 226 - Emanation |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (32) |
APHA Method 3111 B |
1999 |
Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.25(a) Table |
APHA Method 7500-I D |
2000 |
Radioactive Iodine-Distillation Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.74(a)(2) Table (Total Chlorine) |
APHA Method 4500-Cl F |
2014 |
Chlorine, DPD Ferrous Titrimetric |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IH (5) |
APHA Method 9222 B |
1997 |
Membrane Filtration Qualitative (LES Endo): Total Coliform |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (66) |
APHA Method 4500-S(2-) F |
2000 |
Sulfide (as S), Iodometric Method |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 141.852(a)(5) Table |
APHA Method 9222 G |
2005 |
Membrane Filtration Qualitative (LES Endo): Total Coliform |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (61) |
APHA Method 3120 B |
1999 |
Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (75) |
APHA Method 3111 B |
1999 |
Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 143.4(b) Table (Chloride) |
APHA Method 4110 B |
2000 |
APHA Standards On-line, Anions by Ion Chromatography with Chemical Suppression of Eluent |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(b)(10)(xii) |
APHA Method 2340 |
1997 |
Hardness |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IA |
APHA Standard Methods, 20th Edition |
1998 |
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 20th Edition |
American Public Health Association |
Environmental Protection Agency |
88 FR 18396 |
40 CFR 63 |
5210 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) |
2022 |
Testing Provisions for Air Emission Sources |
American Public Health Association |
Research and Special Programs Administration |
40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (27) |
APHA Method 2340 C |
1998 |
Hardness by EDTA Titration |
American Public Health Association |