This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation Sort descending | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Research and Special Programs Administration | 18 CFR 38.2(a)(3) | NAESB Publication | 2009 | Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Data Dictionary, Version 1.5 with minor corrections | North American Energy Standards Board Wholesale Electric Quadrant | |
Drug Enforcement Administration | 21 CFR 1311.08(b)(1)(i) | FIPS Publication 140-2 | 2004 | Annex A to FIPS Publication 140-2 ("Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules''): Approved Security Functions | National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 110.10-1(o)(18) | UL 1598A | 2000 | Standard for Supplemental Requirements for Luminaires for Installation on Marine Vessels | Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.74(a) | Drawing No. SA-6C-1000-1 | 1996 | Sternum Thoracic Weld Assembly | Reprographic Technologies | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IC (95) | EPA Method 1613 B | 1997 | Tetra- through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope Dilution GC/HRMS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 141.131(a)(2) | ASTM D6581 | 2000 | Standard Test Methods for Bromate, Bromide, Chlorate, and Chlorite in Drinking Water by Suppressed Ion Chromatography | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63.14(g)(36) | ASTM D3370 | 1995 | Standard Practices for Sampling Water from Closed Conduits | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 39.1005(e)(1) | IEC 60309-1 | 2012 | Plugs, Socket-Outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes—Part 1: General Requirements, Edition 4.2 2012-06 | International Electrotechnical Commission | |
Food and Drug Administration | 21 CFR 176.170(a)(5) | ASTM E28 | 1982 | Standard Test Method for Softening Point by Ring and Ball Apparatus | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 147.1400(a)(1) | NEUIC regulations | 1981 | Rules and Regulations of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Rules 1 through 6 | State of Nebraska | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.903(j)(9) | ASTM D4565 | 1999 | Standard Test Method for Physical and Environmental Performance Properties of Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunication Wire and Cable | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 60.17(g)(55) | ASTM D1266 | 1991 | Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp Method) | ASTM International | |
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | 49 CFR 171.7(a)(3) | DOE SP-9 | 1968 | Fire Resistant Phenolic Foam, Revision 1 and Supplement | U.S. Department of Energy | |
Labor Department | 41 CFR 50-204.75 | 49 CFR 391 | 2013 | Qualifications of Drivers and Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) Driver Instructors | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 60.41b Coal | ASTM D388 | 1995 | Standard Classification of Coals by Rank | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63.1512(e)(4)(i) | ACGIH Guidelines | 1997 | ACGIH Guidelines | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.106(a)(37) | ASTM D445 | 1965 | Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids | ASTM International | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 440 Appendix A | FedSpec HH-I-1972/1 | 1981 | Polyurethane or Polyisocyanurate Insulation Board Faced with Aluminum Foil on Both Sides | Federal Specifications Standards and Test Methods | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 15.1103(e)(1) | STCW Convention | 1995 | STCW--International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 61.93(b)(2)(ii) | ANSI N13.1 | 1969 | Guide to Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities | American National Standards Institute | |
Public Health Service | 42 CFR 51c.503(a)(7)(iii)(A) | ANSI A117.1 | 1971 | Providing Accessibility and Usability for Physically Handicapped People | American National Standards Institute | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (62) | TJAC Method AES 0029 | 1991 | Direct Current Plasma (DCP) Optical Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Elemental Analysis of Water and Wastes | Thermo Jarrell Ash Corp. | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (26) Thallium | EPA Method 200.8 | 1994 | Metals by ICP-MS, Revision 5.4 | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 60, Appendix A-7, Method 19, Section | ASTM D3176 | 1974 | Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke | ASTM International | |
Housing and Urban Development Department | 24 CFR 3280.704(b)(2) | ASME B&PV Code | 1986 | Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1 | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910.94(c)(3)(i) | 29 CFR 1910.107(b)(1) | 2014 | Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials; Spray booths | Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 56.35-1 | ASME B31.1 | 2001 | Power Piping ASME Code for Pressure Piping | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IA Footnote 28 | EPA-821-R-02-014 | 2002 | Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms, Third Edition | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(b)(10)(lxix) | APHA Method 9223 | 2004 | Enzyme Substrate Coliform Test | American Public Health Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 799.5087(h)(1)(iv) | ASTM E1148 | 2002 | Standard Test Method for Measurements of Aqueous Solubility | ASTM International | |
Mine Safety and Health Administration | 30 CFR 56.14130(b) | SAE J-1040 | 1986 | Performance Criteria for Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry and Mining Machines | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.5(b) | Drawing No. SA 150 M020 | 1987 | Neck assembly | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 167.40-1(a)(3) | IEEE 45 | 1948 | Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 75, Appendix F, Section | ASTM D3176 | 2002 | Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 33 CFR 104.120(a)(4) | IMO Conference Resolution 1 | 2002 | SOLAS Chapter XI-1 or SOLAS Chapter XI-2 | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 160.151-27(c)(3) | IMO Resolution A.689(17) | 1996 | Recommendation on Testing Life-Saving Appliances including amendments through Resolution MSC.54(66) | International Maritime Organization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX, 2.1.11(3) | EPA-600-9-76-006 | 1984 | Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume I. Principles | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 75.6(a)(2) | ASTM D240 | 2000 | Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter | ASTM International | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 40 CFR 1065.703 Table 1 | ASTM D86 | 2012 | Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 86.1806-05(h)(1)(iii) | ISO 9141-2 | 1994 | Road Vehicles--Diagnostic Systems | International Organization for Standardization | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (DCPA [Dimethyl 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-terephthalate]) | EPA Method 608.2 | 1993 | Organochlorine Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/ECD | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 9 CFR 318.19(b) | AOAC Official Methods | 1990 | Official Methods of Analysis | AOAC International | |
Research and Special Programs Administration | 49 CFR 178.60(d) | CGA C-3 | 1994 | Standard for Welding and Brazing on Thinned Walled Containers | Compressed Gas Association | |
Food and Drug Administration | 21 CFR 184.1634(b) | Food Chemicals Codex | 1981 | Potassium Iodide | National Academy Press | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 125.180(b) | NFPA 302 | 1994 | Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft | National Fire Protection Association | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.130(a)(4) | SAE J-211/2 | 1995 | Instrumentation for Impact Tests—Part 2—Photographic Instrumentation | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (9) | APHA Method 6630 C | 2000 | Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/ECD | American Public Health Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 141.852(a)(5) Table | APHA Method 9221 D | 1998 | Presence-Absence (P-A) Coliform Test | American Public Health Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 63, Subpart DDDDD, Table 6, 1(e) | ASTM D240 | 2009 | Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 116.300(b)(1) | Lloyd's Publication | 1990 | Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Yachts and Small Craft | Lloyd's Register of Shipping |