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Standards Incorporated by Reference (SIBR) Database

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Accessing Standards Incorporated by Reference

This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

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Displaying 2451 - 2500 of 26662
Incorporated by (Agency) FR Citation CFR Citation Document Number Document Edition / Year Sort ascending Title of Standard Standard Publishing Organization
Federal Communications Commission 80 FR 33442 47 CFR 2.948 (d)  ANSI C63.4-2014 2014 American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 1048 SAE J2264_201401 2014 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1915.158(a)(1) 46 CFR Part 160 2014 Coast Guard Lifesaving Equipment Specifications U.S. Coast Guard
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 141.131(a)(2) APHA Method 4500-Cl E 2014 Chlorine by Low-Level Amperometric Direct Method American Public Health Association
Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 CFR 1211.40 (c)(1) NFPA 70 2014 National Electrical Code National Fire Protection Association
Homeland Security Department 89 FR 76676 46 CFR 108 ASTM D975-14 2014 Marine Equipment on Board Vessels and Offshore Units or Facilities ASTM International
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L Appendix B 1910.156 ANSI Z88.5 2014 Practice for Respirator Protection for the Fire Service American National Standards Institute
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L Appendix B 1910.158 ANSI/NFPA 18 2014 Wetting Agents National Fire Protection Association
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 59 SAE J2951_201401 2014 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 272.2101(c)(1) SDHWMP 2014 State of South Dakota Statutes and Regulations for Approved State Hazardous Waste Management Programs State of South Dakota
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 1043 SAE J2951_201401 2014 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International
Labor Department 41 CFR 50-204.65 49 CFR 172 2014 Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, and Training Requirements U.S. Department of Transportation
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.94(c)(5)(i) 29 CFR 1910.107(d) 2014 Ventilation Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (46) AOAC Method 973.45 2014 Oxygen (dissolved) in water. Titrimetric methods AOAC International
Homeland Security Department 89 FR 76676 46 CFR 195 ASTM D975-14 2014 Marine Equipment on Board Vessels and Offshore Units or Facilities ASTM International
Transportation Department 85 FR 80544 49 CFR 221 AAR S-4230 2014 Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers Association of American Railroads
Coast Guard 40 CFR 1065.720 Table 1 ASTM D1838 2014 Standard Test Method for Copper Strip Corrosion by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 272, Subpart Q IAHWMP 2014 State of Iowa Hazardous Waste Management Program (Reserved) State of Iowa
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L Appendix C (II)(A)(9) ANSI Z89.1 2014 Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection American National Standards Institute
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 430.01(i) Table EPA Method 1650 2014 Adsorbable Organic Halides by Adsorption and Coulometric Titration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Energy Department 82 FR 59947 10 CFR 851 ASME B31.3-2014 2014 Worker Safety and Health Program American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 63.5935 Corrosion-resistant industry standard ASTM D3839 2014 Standard Guide for Underground Installation of Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe ASTM International
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.272 Appendix B ANSI/NFPA 61D 2014 Facilities handling agricultural commodities for human consumption National Fire Protection Association
Coast Guard 33 CFR 127.1203(b) 29 CFR 1910.1000, Z Tables 2014 Permissible Exposure Limits Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 147.800 IAUIC regulations 2014 State of Iowa-administered program (Reserved) State of Iowa
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau 27 CFR 21.127(a) AOAC Method 25.020 2014 Gutzeit Method for Determination of Arsenic Content AOAC International
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 1090 SAE J2951_201401 2014 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 141.24(e)(1) APHA Method 6610 2014 Carbamate Pesticides American Public Health Association
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 80.330(e)(1)(iii) ASTM D5842 2014 Standard Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fuels for Volatility Measurement ASTM International
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 1066.425(j)(1)(i) SAE J-2951 2014 Drive Quality Evaluation for Chassis Dynamometer Testing Society of Automotive Engineers
Labor Department 41 CFR 50-204.2(a)(3) 49 CFR 175 2014 Carriage by Aircraft U.S. Department of Transportation
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.272 Appendix B ANSI/NFPA 68 2014 Guide for explosion venting National Fire Protection Association
Coast Guard 46 CFR 160.055-3(c) Standard Color Reference of America 2014 Indian Orange, Cable No. 70072 Textile Color Association of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 141.74(a)(2) Table (Free Chlorine) APHA Method 4500-Cl G 2014 Residual Chlorine by Spectrophotometric, DPD American Public Health Association
Environmental Protection Agency 88 FR 4296 40 CFR 2 SAE J2264_201401 2014 Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards SAE International
Coast Guard 40 CFR 60.335(a)(3) EPA Method 3 2014 Gas analysis for the determination of dry molecular weight U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency 84 FR 43517 40 CFR 770 ASTM E1333-14 2014 Technical Issues; Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood Products ASTM International
Transportation Department 87 FR 44944 49 CFR 172 ISO 14246:2014/Amd 1:2017 2014 Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards International Organization for Standardization
Housing and Urban Development Department 85 FR 5562 24 CFR 3280 ASTM D6007-14 2014 Streamlining and Aligning Formaldehyde Emission Control Standards for Certain Wood Products in Manufactured Home Construction With Title VI of the Toxic Substance Control Act ASTM International
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.261(k)(12)(i) 29 CFR 1910.23 2014 Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings, and Toe Boards Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR 272, Subpart CC NEHWMP 2014 State of Nebraska Hazardous Waste Management Program (Reserved) State of Nebraska
Transportation Department 89 FR 15636 49 CFR 172 CGA C-20:2014 2014 Hazardous Materials: Adoption of Miscellaneous Petitions and Updating Regulatory Requirements Compressed Gas Association
Homeland Security Department 89 FR 76676 46 CFR 109 ASTM D975-14 2014 Marine Equipment on Board Vessels and Offshore Units or Facilities ASTM International
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.94(c)(3)(iii)(A) 29CFR 1910.107(b)(5) 2014 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials; Spray booths U.S. Department of Labor
Homeland Security Department 88 FR 16310 46 CFR 113 API RP 500 2014 Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations American Petroleum Institute
Transportation Department 89 FR 25434 49 CFR 175 ISO 11119–2:2012/ Amd.1:2014(E) 2014 Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards International Organization for Standardization
Transportation Department 85 FR 27810 49 CFR 180 ISO 14246:2014(E) 2014 Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards International Organization for Standardization
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910.107 29 CFR 1910.107(b)(5) 2014 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials; Spray booths U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L Appendix B 1910.158 ANSI/NFPA 22 2014 Water Tanks National Fire Protection Association
Labor Department 41 CFR 50-204.65 49 CFR 173 2014 Shippers--General Requirements for Shipments and Packaging U.S. Department of Transportation

DISCLAIMER: Data and information released from the Standards Incorporated by Reference databases at NIST are provided on an "AS IS" basis, without representation or warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Data and/or information in this database may contain errors or may be incomplete. Please email if you identified missing information or incorrect information. This database is provided by NIST as a public service. Inclusion of records in this database does not represent endorsement or recommendation of standards listed by NIST.

NOTE: This database does not included records related to the Incorporation by Reference for the following: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration – Airworthiness Directives, State Air Plan Approvals, and Standard Instrumentation Approach Procedures; and the Environmental Protection Agency - State Approval of Air Quality Plans.