This database provides information on standards that have been incorporated by reference into the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To obtain copies of the standards referenced, information should be provided in the referenced CFR section about how to obtain a copy. Alternatively, individuals can check with the standards publisher, a standards resellers or for a limited number of standards used in regulations, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Portal. This portal provides a mechanism for limited and free access to some of the standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Incorporated by (Agency) | FR Citation | CFR Citation | Document Number | Document Edition / Year Sort ascending | Title of Standard | Standard Publishing Organization |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Acephate) | EPA Method 1657 | 1993 | The Determination of Organo-Phosphorus Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Coast Guard | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (2,4-Dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid) | EPA Method 615 | 1993 | Chlorinated Herbicides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction, Derivitization and GC/ECD | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Housing and Urban Development Department | 24 CFR 200, Appendix A | TCA Publication | 1993 | Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation | Tile Council of America | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Azinphos Methyl) | EPA Method 622 | 1993 | Organophosphorus Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/NPD | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Federal Highway Administration | 23 CFR 655.601(c) | AASHTO Publication | 1993 | Traffic Engineering Metric Conversions Factors, Addendum to the Guide to Metric Conversion | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Terbufos) | EPA Method 614.1 | 1993 | The Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 431 Subpart B, App. B, 2 (1) | CSA C390 | 1993 | Input-Output Method with Indirect Measurement of the Stray-Load Loss and Direct Measurement of the Stator Winding (I2R), Rotor Winding (I2R), Core and Windage-Friction Losses | Canadian Standards Association | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.702(g)(1)(ii) | ICEA S-89-648 | 1993 | Standard for Telecommunications Aerial Service Wire, Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Coast Guard | 40 CFR 60.261(s) Silvery iron | ASTM A100 | 1993 | Standard Specification for Ferrosilicon | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(b)(7)(iv)(P) | EPA Method 632.1 | 1993 | Carbamate and Amide Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and HPLC/UV-VIS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 420.15(d)(4) | CABO Model Energy Code | 1993 | Model Energy Code | Council of American Building Officials | |
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | 49 CFR 180.209(g) | CGA C-6 | 1993 | Standard for Visual Inspection of Compressed Gas Cylinders | Compressed Gas Association | |
Coast Guard | 33 CFR 164.03(b) | RTCM Paper 191-93/SC112-X | 1993 | Recommended Standards for Marine Radar Equipment Installed on Ships of 300 Tons Gross Tonnage and Upwards | Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services | |
Housing and Urban Development Department | 24 CFR 3280.604(b)(2) | ASTM A53 | 1993 | Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless | ASTM International | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 440 Appendix A | ASTM C984 | 1993 | Perlite Board and Rigid Cellular Polyurethane Composite Roof Insulation | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (15) Magnesium | ASTM D511B | 1993 | Standard Test Methods for Calcium and Magnesium In Water, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 199.70(c)(2) | IMO Resolution A.760(18) | 1993 | Symbols Related to Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements | International Maritime Organization | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 199.70(d) | IMO Resolution A.760(18) | 1993 | Symbols Related to Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements | International Maritime Organization | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. N, 10.3 | ASHRAE 103 | 1993 | Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Bromacil; Bromacil Salts and Esters) | EPA Method 633 | 1993 | Organonitrogen Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and GC/NPD | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 126.160(a) | NFPA 306 | 1993 | Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels | National Fire Protection Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 79.56(d)(5)(i) | ASTM D4814 | 1993 | Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Permethrin) | EPA Method 608.2 | 1993 | The Determination of Certain Organochlorine Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(b)(3)(i) | EPA-600-R-93-100 | 1993 | Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.703(c)(5)(ii) | ICEA S-89-648 | 1993 | Standard for Telecommunications Aerial Service Wire, Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG Footnote 3 | EPA Method 608.1 | 1993 | The Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | 49 CFR 572.33(b) | Drawing No. C-1709 | 1993 | Neck transducer, Revision D | General Motors Corporation | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 86.157-98(f)(3) | ASTM E29 | 1993 | Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications | ASTM International | |
Research and Special Programs Administration | 49 CFR 179.100-7(b) | ASTM B209 | 1993 | Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 33 CFR 154.106(d)(1) | ASTM F631 | 1993 | Standard Guide for Collecting Skimmer Performance Data in Controlled Environments | ASTM International | |
Minerals Management Service | 30 CFR 870.19 | ASTM D1412 | 1993 | Standard Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 30 Degrees Celsius | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (25) | EPA Method 622.1 | 1993 | The Determination of Thiophosphate Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Housing and Urban Development Department | 24 CFR 3280.604(b)(2) | ASTM B42 | 1993 | Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes | ASTM International | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (46) | EPA Method 1656 | 1993 | The Determination of Organo-Halide Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table ID (63) | EPA Method 1656 | 1993 | The Determination of Organo-Halide Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (2,4-Dichlorophenoxybutyric acid) | EPA Method 1658 | 1993 | Phenoxy Acid Herbicides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction, Derivitization, and GC/ECD | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Chloroneb) | EPA Method 608.1 | 1993 | The Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG (Linuron) | EPA Method 632 | 1993 | Carbamate and Urea Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and HPLC/UV-VIS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L Appendix B 1910.159 | NFPA 1231 | 1993 | Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting | National Fire Protection Association | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 182.130 | ABYC H-24 | 1993 | Gasoline Fuel Systems | American Boat and Yacht Council | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. N, 10.2.2 | ASHRAE 103 | 1993 | Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers | |
Energy Department | 10 CFR 431.15(b)(1)(iii) | NEMA MG-1 | 1993 | Motors and Generators, Section II, Part 11 | National Electrical Manufacturers Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IB (50) | EPA Method 365.1 | 1993 | Determination of Phosphorus by Semi-automated Colorimetry, Revision 2.0 | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Coast Guard | 33 CFR 127.003(b) | ASTM F1121 | 1993 | Standard Specification for International Shore Connections for Marine Fire Applications | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 33 CFR 127.003(b) | ASME B31.3 | 1993 | Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
Rural Utilities Service | 7 CFR 1755.703(g)(8) | ICEA S-89-648 | 1993 | Standard for Telecommunications Aerial Service Wire, Technical Requirements | Insulated Cable Engineers Association | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 136.3(a) Table IG Footnote 3 | EPA Method 632.1 | 1993 | Carbamate and Amide Pesticides by Liquid/Liquid Extraction and HPLC/UV-VIS | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 56.60-1(b) Table 56.60-1(b) | ASTM F1172 | 1993 | Fuel Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive Displacement Type | ASTM International | |
Coast Guard | 46 CFR 182.455(c) | ABYC H-24 | 1993 | Gasoline Fuel Systems | American Boat and Yacht Council | |
Environmental Protection Agency | 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) Table (20) Ortho-phosphate | USGS I-2601-90 | 1993 | Phosphorus, Orthophosphate, Colorimetry, Phosphomolybdate, Automated-Segmented Flow | U.S. Geological Survey |